Time Flies

My gracious, it’s November. And actually, it’s nearly December! Where does the time go? And I’d like a real answer to that question, please… 🙂 

Ok, I get that many of us are on the same page here and watch as time slips through our fingers and days between blog posts widens. But kudos to all of my blogging friends who manage to post regularly–Paul, Derrick, Luanne–just to name only a few. What’s the secret, friends? One thing I’ve discovered is that I get caught in the web of social media, more specifically Facebook. I don’t stay on there for long periods at a time, but I do jump on and off too many times during the day. I thought about deleting my account all together, especially with all of the recent controversy surrounding Facebook, but I like that I can converse and keep up with my family and friends on one platform. And it’s a simple (lazy) platform, too. Sometimes when my task at hand: writing, editing, blogging, researching, returning emails, cleaning, whatever, gets in the least bit difficult my brain offers, “Hey! Let’s do something easy like pop over to Facebook and see what’s going on!” My fingers usually follow. The developers knew what they were doing, no doubt about it.
You know I’ve had my struggles with Facebook in the past. I wrote about that in an earlier blog post here.
I’m asking this a lot these days.
Today I am really thinking of how to have more time to write stories and essays for submitting to literary journals, and also get back to my regular blog schedule. I would like any suggestions my friends might have. My full-time job as a freelance writer keeps me at my computer a lot. And I don’t have problems with getting my work-work done there. 

I deactivated my Facebook account. But, I find Twitter such a valuable resource for writers, I’ve decided not to sever ties there. I use it as a hub of writing information. Instagram is fun, but doesn’t have the pull that Facebook has.

But, it’s not only Facebook or social media, there’s other reasons for not writing as much including the general anxiety I feel surrounding every aspect of life here in America. I’m on edge a lot wondering, what’s next?

Plus, I think I have a book problem. I find myself reading when I could be writing. Doesn’t everyone have this problem? Haha? (But, really…?)

So many books, so little time…

I’m also realizing the WordPress format has changed a little bit in my  absence. And speaking of WordPress, it is acting up, it doesn’t show me as following sites that I know I am following. So if I’ve been absent from your posts, know that I’m trying to work on that with the Happiness Engineers.

Ah, technology, you know I love it… 

Wishing everyone a peaceful, problem-free rest of November. I’ll be back on here soon. Very soon. Thanks for being patient with me. I’m so thankful for my blogging community. Even when I’m not blogging, I am thinking of you and reading your posts. They inform, entertain, intrigue, and plain ole make me happy! Thank you.

36 thoughts on “Time Flies

  1. I love that quote. I was discussing a corrolary to that with someone recently about how I got snagged in some nonsense with a client which caused me lots of aggravation and got me nowhere, and lost time, unpaid, of course. The question put to me was, “Is that discussion getting you any further in the direction you’re heading in? Is it making you money?” (I freelance, too.) If no, let it go. Same lesson, version #543!

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  2. Hi Cheryl, I like to do whatever brings me joy. Blogging is one of those things I really like to do. I post on Sunday or Monday almost every week. I journal first thing in morning every day & usually an idea for a blog post perks up from there. I like the discovery part where my mind is drawing a blank and then bingo! there’s an idea! Can I create a meaningful blog post about it? I always try. I like the challenge. I’m a novelist, so I look at blogging as another kind of writing practice. I like to keep that muscle toned. On Word Press problems, I have been trying to “like” the bloggers I follow for several weeks and WP won’t let me. I tried to like your post. Wouldn’t let me. I tried to like a comment or two (great commenters!) WP wouldn’t let me. Sigh. On Facebook, I visit for ten or fifteen minutes a day. That’s it. I have Twitter and Instagram too, and it can all start to be too much, so I just keep it short, keep my hand in and try not to linger. I still like reading and writing blogs best out of all the social media out there. For me, that’s key. If I like it, I ‘ll do it.

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  3. I have made a concentrated effort to not be on FB because I know what a time suck it can be. Good for you for escaping into the night. It’s hard enough keeping up with the blogs I love, my own shop and websites … after working all day. And yes … so many books, so little time! We live lives our parents couldn’t even imagine …

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    1. I’ve enjoyed my Facebook-free time. And I have written a lot more. In addition to two work assignments, I’ve let me imagination run free with some creative writing. And that feels good! With so much to do, thanks for taken the time to read this:)

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      1. Yes, I enjoy and learn so much from reading my friends’ blogs.
        I had that problem with likes and comments, too. It had something to do with the third-party cross tracking privacy setting in my Safari browser.


  4. When I started blogging I wrote something every week but I found I wasn’t writing anything much else, so I committed to fortnightly blog posts, which meant I had time to blog, time to write other things and to catch up with other bloggers’ posts. I’m probably even more relaxed about it now – I don’t always hit the fortnightly deadline and I sometimes have a break, often unexpectedly, but that timescale seems to work for me.

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    1. Yes, and that also seems to be about the perfect time between posts. I think in the beginning I was blogging three times a week, but that’s not manageable for me now. I like the idea of having a deadline, but being flexible. I’m going to start scheduling it on my calendar. Thanks, Andrea.

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  5. Cheryl, kudos to you for pulling the plug on Fb. I don’t have the courage. Writing this short b/c my hand is in a splint right now. But bottom line I hear you on the difficulty finding the time. Let’s face it, you spend a lot of time on the computer anyway. When you try to put a FT job, blogging, and writing all into one week, it’s very very difficult. And the reading. But all these things are good for your writing. Can you try to do one week writing, one week blogging, or something like that? So you allow yourself the freedom to blog and to read, but you also give yourself time to write. Sorry, hand cramping!

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    1. Yes, that sounds doable. I think any kind of a routine would be helpful. It’s just implementing and sticking by it! Sorry about your hand—not good for a writer. And I haven’t completely pulled the plug on Facebook. I deactivated, but didn’t delete. Sometimes there’s a lot of information on there that I need to write articles. But it’s nice not having that temptation for a while!

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      1. Now my other hand is starting in! Ah Facebook. It sure sucked me in this week, even with the hand problems! good luck coming up with a routine that works for you, Cheryl!

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  6. Twice I’ve tried to comment on this post but it won’t go through. Such is my technological woe. I agree with many of the comments above and I am certain your heart will tell you how to let go of the FB/SM drain and instead connect on a very personal level. (I’m making this last attempt to comment very short, in case it also doesn’t go through…) In the end, I think balance is the key.


  7. I relate to so much of this. I have really been struggling to write regularly in recently months. I feel ambivalent about the blog and am working more often on other writing. I feel much general anxiety about the world. I strongly dislike Facebook and what it has become, but can’t resist peeking at friends’ photos and then I get sucked into the yucky stuff that so many people post, and then I have more general anxiety! As soon as I string together a week or more of good, solid writing progress, real life intervenes and I fall away and out of the habit. Ugh.

    Books and reading will always be a priority, but that one I don’t feel bad about because I truly believe that to be a great writer, one needs to be a great reader! Hang in there, and know that your WordPress friends are flexible sorts who enjoy posts no matter how far apart they are. (Honestly, I prefer them to not arrive rapid-fire because then I fall even farther behind!)

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    1. Yes, exactly–Facebook sucks you right into a world of anxiety! Unfollowing and deleting helps, but I am really enjoying my time completely away for now. I agree with the reading/writing connection. Thanks so much for your kind words, and your faithful reading of my words. You are much appreciated. I just saw you already have a couple of trips lined up for 2019. I can’t wait to read about them.

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  8. Indeed, you have been missed, Cheryl. I too am perplexed with the “wonders” of technology as I haven’t seen your new posts automatically pop up in my Reader but manually seek them out…and I left a reply earlier to your new post that never appeared…

    e-mail is time consuming enough for me and there are times I would like to discontinue that as well. I have never been a fan of FB so can’t help you there except I totally agree with Cathysrealcountrygardencom who encourages you to write postcards instead. Preferring pen/paper to a keyboard for personal messages, I am one of very few friends who still handwrites cards, notes and letters. I think it’s like comfort food — for both the giver and the receiver.

    I understand your desire to connect with loved ones on one platform yet it was reassuring to read the comments above about exchanging FB activities for more worthy pursuits. My MO for FB (and other social media) is and always will be, “Don’t jump in if you don’t want to jump out.” Sad, that some like Lisa Tomey have to have FB for their jobs but grateful she is making the effort to personally connect and in an environment she enjoys. Thankfully, I work for myself so I can more easily avoid the technological mandate yet I can feel the pressure mounting to comply.

    Gasps of disbelief when I state I don’t text or use a smartphone have still not enticed me to fall into the technological traps. As the contentedcrafter stated, “you” decide where to focus your attention instead of being directed by FB and other social media distractions — usually under the guise of “convenience.” I know I am much happier without these distractions that I never “needed” before. In the end, it always seems to come back to balance — making technology work for us rather than allow it to control us. One plus I will give technology is meeting wonderful people like you throughout the world.

    I wonder if you do have a book “problem” or if it is your self trying to steer you back to what nourishes your spirit. Reading for me (I still turn actual pages in bound books) is relaxing, and engages my spirit. So does hearing a friend’s voice on the phone or meeting them for lunch or a walk in the countryside. You sound like such a lovely person, I am certain your friends would also be much happier seeing your smiling face than receiving an emoji. Personally, I think all of us assaulted by the technological wave need to take back our sanity and serenity which means our time for the things and people that bring us joy. You can decide. But your heart already knows.

    Warm wishes to you.


  9. There is far too much out there to distract us, including us! I managed to avoid facebook. I have missed some social conntact because of it, but the real stuff survived. Delete Facebook as your new year’s resolution and write postcards instead. You wont regret it!

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  10. Facebook can be a time draw, for sure. I have to keep it for my “day job.” And I have to have messenger on my phone. Fortunately, I do not have to have main FB on my phone and I don’t. Mostly, I go on there when I am doing my day job, because I work a call center and it can get slow. It’s coffee break for me and if it starts feeling like lunch break, instead, I shut it down. I like the Twitter-verse better for writing support. There is a while community on there and I am challenged every day. Even with that, though, I have slowed down. In fact, I slowed down in all aspects. I had to regroup and rethink what my goals are. Age is a factor, I won’t lie. It makes me think about what time I have being of the most value. In the greater scheme of things, am I going to look back and think about all the posts I did on social media? When I am gone, they will be gone too. So if I am going to be present, I want to leave some real thoughts about life. What are the most important parts of this journey? For me, it’s about what I leave as an imprint in this world. Will my child remember me as a present mother or one who is pre-occupied with non important matters? Will the love of my life remember me as one who was in her phone or tablet while he was sharing his day? I sure hope not. It’s about being mindful, to me. Being aware of others and being in life, not on the outside looking in. As I look at 2019, I have goals that I have been wanting to work on and either held my own self back or life’s circumstances got in the way. As I am looking to meet those goals, I am already looking at my calendar with plans in place to make this happen. If I am going to meet these goals, I have to keep going at the pace I have set and not look back. This means to continue the weaning of social media, which is going well, and it means putting myself out there. It’s scary and exciting all in one. What helps me now is to set aside time that is uninterrupted to write, create art, read and meditate. Each week, I try to have a good friend over and we share a lunch, catch up and then we turn on some light classical music and write. This is something I want to continue to do as long as possible. I look forward to this each week. We have also gotten together to watercolor. That is something that we are starting back up in January. I don’t know if I have put any good suggestions in this response. I feel like I may have just written a blog post. HAHA Best to you, my friend. You are one in a million and it is a pleasure to know you. Blessed Christmas to you and yours.

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    1. Lisa, as usual, thank you for your thoughtful and thought-provoking reply. I learn so much from your kind, wise spirit. I like that you meet on a regular basis with your friend and celebrate true community. Isn’t that what life should be all about? Those beautiful moments when you can relax and be yourself with those you love. I have made my home a warm, comforting sanctuary, and I hate to leave it sometimes. But I hardly ever have company. Not because I’m not friendly–you know I’m pretty friendly:) but because I am such an introvert and enjoy my time alone. But, I think I’m going to rethink this. You offered a lot of good suggestions, and I now I would suggest you do make this into a blog post on your site! It’s good stuff that will help others. Thank you for your support and writerly camaraderie. May you also enter this holiday season in joy and peace.

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  11. I love “does this support the life I’m trying to create”. I’m going to sticky note that to my brain. I have the opposite problem as you. I need to find more time to read. I really miss it. I have a trip coming up and I’m looking forward to being stuck in an airport and then, probably, on the middle seat of a plane so I can read uninterrupted for a time.

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    1. I really liked that saying, too. And I have been using it often. Liz Gilbert talks about giving up the good for the great. In essence, a lot of what we do is good. There’s all kinds of good stuff we do, and rightly so. But the great is all of the stuff that really brings us alive. So I’m trying to not get caught up in all of the good, and to save some time and energy for the great (writing for fun, reading, dancing, yoga…). Enjoy your trip and reading time. Thanks so much for reading and responding:)


  12. You have been missed, indeed, Cheryl.

    I, too, am still wondering why I haven’t seen your posts in my Reader with others that I follow. Being a true non-techie by choice, I thought it was just me. But, I like your blog so much I manually seek it out. (So much for the conveniences of technology.)

    Unfortunately, I don’t have any worthy advice for time management and particularly with regard to FB. I have been anti-FB from the start; my MO is and has always been, “Don’t jump in if you don’t want to jump out.” However, I can understand your wish for one platform to connect with loved ones.

    e-mail itself often distracts me from other things I want to get done. And so, living in this technological life, I find balance is even more key.

    All the best wishes and looking forward to reading more of your posts soon!


  13. It’s interesting that you wonder aloud, so to speak, about where the time goes. Just last night I found myself reflecting or maybe imagining about what has happened or could have happened in my life in the past several years, and I was both saddened and amazed by how fast time passes. And when you mention books, also in recent days and weeks I have been realizing that, whether I like it or not, I have, over the last twenty years, collected a small library of books written by Carl Jung (his Collected Works of 20 volumes, several volumes of letters, many more of seminars he gave, and his Memories, Dreams, Reflections, for a total of 35 or 36!), all of which I have read parts of, but none of which I have read cover to cover (to be fair to myself, I have studied parts of many of them). I know I am destined to study all of them, and with everything I have been reading on psychoanalysis during the past many years will definitely help me in my task, but, what I am trying to say is that I realize time won’t wait for me any longer. I am not going to be afraid of this reading task any longer, which I have felt for a long time will occupy me for the rest of my life. And I have given up trying to convince myself to self-publish a book of vignettes. I have decided to fill one journal at a time with my work, and then, once every page of the journal has been written on, I can decide whether or not I want to create a book out of all of the material.

    I always find your posts thought-provoking! Happy writing and reading on into December!

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    1. Time waits for no one, you’re right about that. It does seem to one on my mind more as I am growing older. I think that is naturally so. You know, the reading probably will occupy you for the rest of your life, and to me, that’s a good thing. You will be doing something you enjoy. Win-win! I know all the books I have now will never be read, and I keep buying more. But, I buy a lot of reference, nonfiction books. I dip into them often. Your vignettes are so alive; I think they will tell you how to proceed when the time comes. Until then, keep writing. I know I will. Thanks so much for reading and responding. I really did think about you as I wrote this. You are a dedicated writer. Kudos!

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  14. Oh, I’m with you on all this! My blog languishes while I go about my daily life and time does odd things. I gave up on Face Book about three or four months ago – maybe longer – and am so glad I did! I didn’t close my account down as I use messenger to keep in contact with friends, but I removed fb from my phone and hid its link in the depths of my computer. 🙂 I question the morality of all these media that direct my attention places other than where my intention is to be. I do not want to have my sense of peace disturbed by ongoing doses of the crass exploits of the crazy when there is a world full of good people doing good things and getting no exposure. I decide where to place my attention. Period.

    I’ve kind of decided that its okay not to post on my blog when my attention is involved elsewhere. I know I’ll return next year. I still read and keep contact with those I feel connected to. The WordPress blimp is a regular occurrence for me, blogs disappear from my follow list and sometimes it takes ages before I realise and go looking. I think it happens to all of us from time to time.

    I really love feeling connected with you, I’m sure you’ll post again when the time is right, when you feel you have something you really want to share or say or show. I will too 🙂 It’s almost December – onward and upward!

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    1. Pauline, I so wish you were my neighbor or at least lived closer. I like you so much!! Yes, anything that controls my attention (and me!) is scary. I enjoy writing, but I think my brain gets fried with all of the freelance writing I’m doing. I enjoy that, too, but it’s a different kind of writing. I’ll get back to it, but I need to be inspired and have something to share. I do have a lovely poem that I think I’ll blog about next week, well after my upcoming deadline. I did (fingers crossed) get my WordPress problem solved after many attempts. It had something to do with third-party cross tracking privacy notice in my Safari browser. Onward! ❤

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