Green Thumbs For All: Spring Gardening Tips


It is a beautiful day, and I plan to be in my garden all day. Correction: I plan to be in my garden all weekend. There’s so much I want to do and need to do. It’s a good thing that I like getting my hands dirty. To me, there’s nothing better than weeding, digging, and planting in a garden. Speaking of gardening, I thought I would share my latest article on spring gardening tips in the current issues of both Midtown and Cary Living Magazines (Raleigh and Cary, NC sister publications). ‘Green Thumbs For All’  was a lot of fun to write, and I enjoyed visiting local garden centers and talking to landscape professionals. The pictures in the spread are beautiful, and I think the ideas and tips are helpful and informative. I’ve also heard the same from local readers and gardeners. I love writing and sharing information; it’s how we learn. I hope you will take a look, and let me know what you think. Have a lovely weekend, everyone. Try to get outside:)  Here’s the link:

Enjoy a few (almost) spring pictures from my North Carolina garden:


The Featured Image of tulips and phlox was taken at JC Raulston Arboretum last spring, 2017. If you are in the Raleigh NC area–go see this amazing world-class arboretum.

All others photos were taken in my North Carolina garden.

14 thoughts on “Green Thumbs For All: Spring Gardening Tips

  1. My husband is the gardener at our house (which is why I call him “the gardener” on my blog haha), and I love reaping the results of his hard work! When I was really young I loved the idea of gardening and had both a vegetable garden, and a garden of “Victorian” flowers–we can’t have either of these things where we are in Arizona (that was Michigan). For some reason, when my husband developed his love of gardening I stopped doing it.

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    1. I’m the main gardener here, but Chuck, my husband, helps out with a lot of the big stuff. He built the pergola and compost bins. I enjoy it so much. I was a gardener on a privately owned historic estate for almost 14 years. I love being outside year-round and playing in the soil. Arizona is an interesting place to garden, I bet!

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      1. What an amazing job! Wow, I’m sure my husband would love that although he’s starting to get a lot of aches and pains. Pergola and compost bins. You ARE serious!

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  2. That is a great informative article Cheryl. I love to read about the things that are seasonal in other parts of the world, it keeps me in touch with the whole. Yesterday I was protecting my elderly impatiens in pots from an icy and wildly whirling blast that sprang up from Antarctica, it battered everything and moved on. That is just a little precursor that announces the turning of the seasons, winter is on it’s way………. Your photos capture those first tender plants that emerge and nestle in the mulch from last season’s leaf fall – I love to see that! I hope you have a wonderful weekend in your garden!

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  3. Have fun in your garden this weekend, and I enjoyed reading your articles, and as always I have enjoyed your photos. Although I am not a gardener, I relate to your excitement about being in your garden. I spend much time at my desk (which is partly why I walk an hour a day), and so when I get to our cabin and can spend time just doing simple things outside amongst the trees and the silence of the island, I feel as happy as I think I can be.

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    1. Thank you so much! I had a wonderful weekend in my garden. Walking is also something I do every day. That clears my mind and really helps me gain perspective on everything going on in the world. Ok, not everything; some things I will never understand! I’m so glad you have a home away from home. Your cabin sounds so perfect.


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