Campo di Giove: Mi Famiglia

I’m in my paternal grandfather’s birthplace, Campo di Giove, Italy, with my sister and a whole bunch of cousins. This first picture of us was taken in Rome. That’s me on the right.

I never thought I would walk where my Grandpa Federico Capaldo lived as a boy. It’s beautiful here! The mountains—wow!! I can see why he loved (and settled in) West Virginia. We were greeted by cousins on arrival, and everyone has been so nice. This is a dream come true. I’m feeling so grateful.

More stories to come…

27 thoughts on “Campo di Giove: Mi Famiglia

    1. So thrilling, Luanne! It’s funny, because I had all of these plans to write all about it, and yet I’m not. I’m letting everything settle deep. I wrote some things down, and kept a journal for several days, but (you’ll appreciate this) then I found myself writing over and over “I miss my cats.” Hahaha!! And I did:) This was an amazing experience, but it will take some time to think through and process. It was a biggie for me. Or as they say: a defining moment. I had a big aha! that I will write about sometime.


  1. Wonderful! Italy’s people are as beautiful as their country! Impossible not to have a good time there. They have all the ingredients of the best hospitality. I’ve been twice, driven all over Italy and through Abruzzi. My heart is with you.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ahh, you’re finally there! I know how much you were looking forward to this trip for so many reasons. You all look very happy! Keep enjoying the country and all the connections to your past!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh my Cheryl, be still my beating heart! Italy is my second most favourite country in all the world – I adore it! I spent time in the north back in the late 80’s, early 90’s, and my heart does a little rock’n’roll whenever I see certain scenes – like the final three pics here. Show me clay baked tile roofs and the tears start to flow 🙂 I have always been just the teeniest bit jealous of people with an Italian heritage – I remain convinced I was so supposed to have one! I hope you are having the most wonderful time travelling back into your heritage and I shall look forward to reading everything you post xo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Pauline! Italy was beautiful and so historic. I’m not used to that, here in the eastern US, not much is old, and certainly not old like this. I loved Campo di Giove. My cousin is an architect and has written a book on the village. She gave us a tour, and there was so much to learn, to know. If I get back to Italy, I will spend all of my time here. This village held something for me, held me, made me feel really content. It was all so thought-provoking, too. Seeing structures that were important to my family. And my family! They were welcoming and wonderful! Ah–just everything was right.


      1. It must be so wonderful to have an Italian heritage – and feel such a deep connection to people and a place. The age of it and the history – and the people – fed me in a way I had never experienced before when I was there. I do hope you get to go back again.

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  4. I am beyond the moon excited for you Cheryl. What an amazing time you are having. This seems like a dream that came true. Do you feel an intimacy with the place, feeling the scene in your bones? I can almost feel it myself.

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    1. I did feel something in my bones there, Mariah! It felt good, comfortable. I felt at ease there. I also slept pretty well while in Campo di Giove–not true for anywhere else in Italy or anywhere that I travel! I’m notoriously known for not getting any sleep when I’m not in my own house. It makes for rough traveling. But there, I felt different.


  5. Wow! What an experience you are having! It sounds as if you are enjoying every moment. I have been in Rome once, and I will never forget the experience. Your photos remind me of places I have been in Spain, in the countryside, where everything is so beautiful. What an opportunity to immerse yourself in your family history! And it looks as if you are having good weather. Enjoy!

    Liked by 1 person

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